한국 스틸 라운드 바 제조사


About Our Company

Triton Metal is a production company based in South Korea with more than 10 years in the production of cold drawn precision Stainless Steel Round Bars. Mission of the Company is the Customer Satisfaction, supplying a service together with a product. Strong commitment of the Company is in the development of a relationship with Clients to be compliant with any international norms or specification for custom-made products with stability and production series. Triton Metal has an high variety of production facilities that allows an extreme flexibility in the production.

The Company is also provided with the most modern Systems for the process and product controlling requested to respect Clients specifications. The selection of major west European steel mill for the raw material source and the Company know-how allow to satisfy any requirement of any Client profile, from the engineering Company to the plant & machine Manufacturers up to the End Users.

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